SNSI | Service Catalogue

Secure Network Services & Infrastructure


Focus: adapt to modern-day it consumption with managed network security services.

The goalposts have moved, and your approach to securing your network needs to as well. It’s not enough to have the capability to support a remote, access-anywhere environment, it needs to be quick, and it needs to be secure.

Businesses still rely on on-site networking to drive operations and connectivity. With organic growth, complexity and legacy technology can sandbag service delivery.

Edge is the new office, and you need to treat it the same. Gone are the days when your users are safe behind big office firewalls – they now need protection in the wild too.

It’s hard to remember days without cloud technologies and SaaS. Unfortunately, secure access to these systems has fallen short. It’s time to catch up.

Integrate to Floodlight

NCL’s Digital Operations Centre (DOC) combines NOC and SOC into one.
Immediate response and clarity.

Your Secure Network Security Service Delivery Partner

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