DEM | Digital Performance Evolve

Digital Performance Evolve


Build an efficient,
responsive, and agile business

With Digital Experience Monitoring

In a complex IT estate, it’s often hard to identify and prioritise specific areas for improvement and remediation across your digital environment.
With Digital Performance Evolve, those days are over.

Get real-time visibility of a user’s digital experience and understand instantly when and where areas of poor performance occur.

Track End User Experience, regardless of where they’re working from.

Put a price on poor performance – understand how poor application and device performance is costing you money.

Get ahead of the game with NCL

“By 2025, 50% of IT organizations will have established a DEX strategy, team and management tool, up from less than 20% in 2023.”

2023 Gartner® Market Guide for DEX Tools

How We Improve The Digital Experience

We’ll begin with a thorough review of your current DEM situation, reviewing what’s currently in place, what can be improved and what needs to be introduced.
This will all be done in close consultation with you and aligned to your wider business goals.

Once that initial analysis is complete, we’ll begin helping you instrument your devices and confirm that the correct telemetry is being received. We’ll go on to create custom visualisations, based on your business goals, as well as set up custom application monitoring

Automated alerting will be set up and we’ll design a monthly report detailing activity, issues, analysis and change validation results. every quarter, we’ll send you a detailed report of trends.

Finally, as part of the on-going support that comes with this managed service, we’ll proactively indentify and investigate any performance issues. We’ll validate any before-and-after IT changes. We’ll support problem case investigations, and we’ll cary out any routine software updates.

Integrate to Floodlight

NCL’s Digital Operations Centre (DOC) combines NOC and SOC into one. Immediate response and clarity.

Your Secure Service Delivery Partner

Digital Performance Evolve takes a scalable, big-data approach to monitoring cloud-native applications that delivers unified visibility across the application ecosystem.

It’s easy to deploy and manage, and results in faster troubleshooting for even the toughest performance problems.


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