CYBER | Compliance & Vulnerability Assessment
Of all the risks facing your organisation, cyber risk is perhaps the most pervasive and potentially damaging. The threat of attack is growing every day as more and more hackers try to steal data and disrupt business.
How vulnerable are you? Do you even know? Do you have security measures in place? How effective are they, and how can you be sure?
Any Company has the potential to be attacked
Cyber risk is a two-sided coin.
External cyber criminals are intent on stealing, damaging or destroying data by gaining unauthorised access to your network – their motive is usually financial. There’s then the less-discussed risk of insider threat. Whether it be intentional or not, damage caused by employees breaching security measures is yet another cause for concern. So, how do you get on top of this? It all starts with being able to answer these three questions:
Security Risk Management
It’s virtually impossible for most in-house teams to stay abreast of all digital assets within a company, not to mention their threat level too.
By employing a team of experts, armed with market leading technology to help with this, you can be confident that your business is focussed on minimising the risks of ingress or miss-use through vulnerable digital assets.
With this in mind, a compliance and vulnerability assessment driven by NCL is a very sensible first step
by 2025, 45% of global organizations will be impacted in some way by a supply chain attack.
Gartner – 2024
Top 3 Benefits of Security Risk Management?
Leave no stone unturned.
You can’t protect what you can’t see and some of your digital assets could be lurking out of sight.
A Compliance and Vulnerability Assessment will help you catalogue your digital assets, importance and inter-dependencies.
Critical intel to take into the battle against cyber crime.
Take advantage of our specialist expertise backed by next generation technology to provide a consolidated view of all your digital assets, risks and threats. From this, the service will deliver meaningful information detailing known non-compliances and vulnerabilities.
Stop Wasting Money On Ineffective Cyber Activity
By aligning the assessment towards your compliance regime (regulatory, industry or HMG specific security standards, guidance and policies), the service provides you with a structured roadmap of prioritised actions.
This helps you manage cost by prioritising corrective actions to greatest value.
What’s the process of Security Risk Management?
Step 1
Discovery agents are deployed at key points on your network/s (internal, cloud and hybrid) to identify network traffic meta data and identify digital assets.
Step 2
Metadata on assets is processed and automatically analysed within our secure cloud and presented to our experts for validation and investigation.
Step 3
Our experts work with your staff to confirm asset classifications, criticalities and relative vulnerabilities before determining suitable remediation actions and priority. The output is provided in an easy to digest report with a recommended roadmap schedule for improvement. We provide you with the detail to address your compliance and vulnerability concerns.
Integrate to Floodlight
NCL’s Digital Operations Centre (DOC) combines NOC and SOC into one. Immediate response and clarity.
Your Secure Service Delivery Partner
UK Sovereign – Global – Specialists
Get ahead of the criminals with the power and knowledge a compliance and vulnerability assessment provides.
With hackers constantly developing new and smarter attack methods – you need a team who can help you get one step ahead and apprehend any threats targeted at your business. Thankfully NCL are warmed up and ready to go!